Margam Abbey, with its mediaeval monastic roots, provided the perfect setting for the annual church service of the Knights Templar in April this year.

The service was conducted by the Great Prelate, RE Kt Revd Malcolm Lane, together with E Kt Revd Edward Dowland-Owen, the Parish Priest of Margam.
An inspirational sermon was given by the Great Prelate – and all are urged to go online and read it in full on the provincial website at kt-msw.org
The traditional readings were given by the Provincial Prior, RE Kt Dr Paul Calderwood, and the Sub-Prior, E Kt David Court.
The banners of the Preceptories were paraded and re-dedicated in a very colourful service.
Building upon the growing success of this event, the church was almost filled with the Brother Knights and their families and friends.
The many visitors from far and wide included the Sub-Prior of the KT Province of Gloucester and Hereford, E Kt Peter Burrows, accompanied by E Kt Gerry Ricketts.
For the guests, the rare opportunity of passing under an Arch of Steel after the service was a much-appreciated conclusion to the occasion – followed by tea and biscuits in the Abbots Kitchen.