Dear Brother Knights
Welcome back to the start of another Masonic season, full of friendship and enjoyment.
But first, let me take my hat off to you for all that you have achieved over the past year as we have continued to recover from the damage done by the Covid pandemic.
In spite of predictions that our numbers would fall, subscribing memberships within the province have risen in recent years from a low of 436 to stand at 446 now - thanks to your efforts. Well done!
Many of the things that you have achieved in recent months are recorded by articles in this edition of the newsletter. One of the special highlights was the colourful return of the annual church service at Margam Abbey.
At the packed annual meeting of Provincial Priory in late May, I congratulated and thanked you then and I suggested that we make our next target an attempt to abandon the use of Ritual Books during our meetings - the one exception being the book in the hands of the official prompter.
The reason for this is simple: if we want all those new Knights to keep coming to our meetings, we must set a good example and offer ceremonies that people will admire. One way that it can be achieved for example is by more sharing out of the work.
To support you in this aim, a Ritual Demonstration meeting has been arranged and it will take place at Porthcawl on Monday 2nd October in the evening. Full details will appear on our new-look website.
That prompts me to tell you that E.Kt James Forbes Keir and Kt Andrew Newson have been working very hard, on behalf of all of us, during the summer to give the Knight Templar website of Monmouth and South Wales a superb new look. Do pay it a visit and take advantage of the new features. It also provides information about the Family Carols and Lunch which will take place this year at Llandovery.
Yours in the Bonds of the Order
R.E.Kt. Dr. Paul Calderwood