In July, Giraldus Cambrensis Preceptory No. 319 celebrated the completion of 75 years in the Masonic Hall at Harries Avenue in Llanelli.
An oration on the History of the Preceptory was given by E.Kt. Michael Eckley P.Std.B (VB), who had extensively researched the subject. The Oration was received by a lengthy and hearty round of applause.
A Ceremony of Installation for a new Knight was then held and Companion Adrian Thomas was warmly welcomed into the Order by the Eminent Preceptor E.Kt. Martin J. Marks - assisted by the Chaplain, E.Kt. Lionel Hughes P.Gt.A-de-C., the Preceptory Marshal E.Kt. Dr. Johnathan Jones, E.Kt. Carl Davies, the Provincial Marshal, and E. Kt. Tony Jones (a visitor).