St. John Preceptory Celebrates its First Birthday

St John First Birthday
Our photograph shows (left to right) R E Kt Dr Paul Calderwood, Provincial Prior, E Kt Darran Evans, E Kt David Court, Provincial Sub- Prior, and E Kt Jim Thompson after the meeting.

The St John of Cardiff Preceptory No. 712 celebrated its first birthday in March when EKt Darren Evans was installed as the second Eminent Preceptor and Eminent Prior.

The Marshal of the Preceptory, EKt Jim Thompson, took the chair and undertook the ceremony of installation while the Provincial Marshal, EKt Carl Davies, acted as Preceptory Marshal for the evening.

The installation ceremony took place in the very same room in which the Preceptory had been consecrated in 2019, namely the impressive Connaught Temple at Cardiff Masonic Hall.